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How to Ensure You Properly File Your H-1B Cap-Subject Petition

Please follow these steps:

  1. Complete all sections of the Form I-129 petition, including the H Classification Supplement and the H-1B Data Collection and Filing Fee Exemption Supplement.

     Where do I find it?

What version of Form I-129 are you using?

The H Classification Supplement is on:

The H-1B Data Collection and Filing Fee Exemption Supplement is on:

Revision date of Aug. 13, 2015

Pages 13-14

Pages 19-21

Revision date on/after Oct. 23, 2014, but before Aug 13, 2015

Pages 13-14

Pages 19-21

You can find current versions of forms at www.uscis.gov/forms.

  1. Make sure each form has an original signature, preferably in black ink. 

  2. Include signed checks or money orders with the correct fee amount.

  3. Submit all required documentation and evidence with the petition at the time of filing to ensure timely processing. 

  4. Ensure there is only one H-1B position for the beneficiary of each petition.

  5. You must file the petition to the correct USCIS service center. See the section below on Where to Mail Your H-1B Cap-Subject Petition.

Note: It is your responsibility to ensure that Form I-129 is completed accurately and submitted properly.

H-1B Cap-Subject-Petition, Filing