Rate and Review Vista Applied Solutions Group, Inc.
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Worst Ever -
- - 1/20/2018 - flag as inappropriate -
comment1. Training : Absolutely the worst I have seen. The trainer just go through the tutorialspoint, javatpoint and simply tell us to practice those examples. I suggest to go through internet and youtube Kaushik’s Videos which were 100% far better.
2. Management : The best worst and worst part of the company is Management. The Head of the company is Pra****, whom you will never see and get to know where the heck he is. And the second guy is Kaly***, who never cares and shows attitude. Marketing department is the dumbest one you will face in this company. They even applies for $35/hr. jobs (even for H1B Candidates)and if we question them why they are applying and the dumbest answer you will ever receive is if we go for low wage job, there will be less pressure on you so that we can manage. The only good part is they pay in 80-20 ratio but makes you pay for each and every thing after joining(like H1B, Premium processing, Medical insurance, Green card etc etc). The Management never pick up the calls or replies to the emails. If we keep on bugging them, they may pick up if you are lucky enough. They also block your contact number if you are calling them constantly.
3. Jobs : Marketing team will take at least 2months to get an interview once you are out of the current job. I would say the minimum period to get a job is 6-7 months if you are new and 3-4 months if the current contract ended. This company doesn’t have any trusted vendors I believe.
4. If you ever leave the company, they will rob the last months pay and you will never get back. They doesn’t provide Experience letter too.
Notice :Believe me, the management people will make sure to tell what you want to hear but later on you will be the one suffering. This company has other business and think this consultancy as side business. Therefore they never give damn about the concerns of the employees.
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Worst Company to work with Never go for this one. -
- - 3/12/2016 - flag as inappropriate -
I had the chance to work with this company as a consultant. Payments are not one done on time No one responses to emails phone calls messages. There's no employee courtesy.Treatment is worst.There are no benefits provided.People are dishonest and not transparent.Management is terrible I wish I had not worked with this company I really recommend no to go with this one.The way they have treated me sums up how the organization runs and the people are. The worst ever.
★★★★★ -
My prefect Choice -
- - 11/13/2015 - flag as inappropriate -
commentI was little confused on the technology stack need to choose for my career prospect & was discussing the same with couple of consulting firms. The way TEAM VASG guided me was awesome, they guide me to the right technology (Big Data) & to the right job in a month. The marketing Experience was awesome & more over post placement Guidance was also excellent. In a single line "Very Streamlined Process & Management". Thank you Team VASG for the support and Guidance, I really appreciate your efforts.
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Better than a lot of other desi consulting companies -
- Prasanna - 6/17/2014 - flag as inappropriate -
commentAfter my graduation, I was in a dilemma which consultancy to join, I read a lot of stories about consultancies in NJ that have turned so many OPT student's lives miserable. I did a lot of research by talking to over 40 consultants across US then shortlisted them on the basis of number of H1s filed, avg salary and most importantly marketing turn around time and management's responsiveness. After talking to few people who were associated with the firm, I narrowed down on VASG and I m pretty much satisfied with What they offered me and the way things are shaping up. Im glad I joined this company, for more info, mail me at ppantula@gmail.com.
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Good Marketing - Bad Management -
- Anonymous - 8/5/2010 - flag as inappropriate -
commentCurrently an Employee .
Joined in and got placed within a month.
The marketing team is good and knows what they are supposed to do.
The bad thing is that the management tries to talk you down to less pay and tries to impose there decisions.
Does not give out prompt payments and you have to be behind them to get every work done.
All in all for a starter good company to start off with.
★★★★★ -
Awesome Company -
- Indu - 6/4/2010 - flag as inappropriate -
commentThe company is really very awesome.They train you with what you want or, if you are not sure about what you want really they even guide you regarding that.
The whole team of Vista Applied Solutions is really very co operative and also very encouraging. Frankly speaking i have never seen a company like this.
Regarding my personal experience with this company i lost 2 interviews initially and after loosing my second interview i broke out into tears very badly, i was not able to control myself and at that very moment i got a call from the company CEO and he just said, "Don't worry the whole team of ours is with you and i have a confidence that you can do anything". The sentence was really very soothing and as he said i cracked the very next interview. So i was in with my third interview itself.
Believe me i joined many of my friends here and every one of us was into a job within less than a month of the start of our marketing date.
If you are a person looking for a very nice job within no time and a trusted consulting company i bet this will be the end of your search.
Finally Vista Applied Solutions you people rock. Hope you continue your services like this and even better than this.
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Many of the reviews about H1B visa and green card sponsors on our web site are negative. Though this somewhat reflects one aspect of real immigrant labor market, you should do more research and use your own judgment to make decisions. Please be also aware that some reviews and comments were submitted by employers, competitors or disgruntled employee of Vista Applied Solutions Group, Inc..
Under federal law (Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act) MyVisaJobs.com is not legally responsible for the information posted by the third parties, even if the posted information contains remarks that are defamatory. If you find any review about Vista Applied Solutions Group, Inc. is inappropriate, please use the Flag As Inappropriate link next to the review to report.
If you find an employer has violated any proceeding under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) or it has committed either a willful failure or a misrepresentation of a material fact of the Labor Condition Application (LCA) attestations, please do not post your review here. You should contact Dept of Labor, Dept of Justice or U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
For additional information, visit DOL Wage and Hour Division Website: http://www.wagehour.dol.gov and/or call their toll-free information and helpline, available 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in your time zone, 1-866-4USWAGE (1-866-487-9243).Employer: Vista Applied Solutions Group
Review Result:
3.3 out of
5 stars
6 votes