Rank | Green Card Sponsor | Green Card Petitions | Average Salary |
1 | LRC2 Management | 27 | $17,759 |
2 | All Staffing Solutions | 24 | $19,769 |
3 | Fh Miami Operations | 23 | $22,880 |
4 | Atl Ga Staffing | 22 | $20,176 |
5 | United Maintenance | 16 | $27,690 |
6 | Batra Associates | 15 | $24,960 |
6 | Pocono Hotels | 15 | $24,960 |
8 | Molly Maid | 14 | $28,808 |
9 | Biloxi Lodging | 14 | $17,909 |
10 | Fox Valley Hospitality | 13 | $24,960 |
11 | United Temps | 11 | $27,040 |
12 | Rama Papermill | 8 | $18,866 |
13 | Elk Country Motels | 5 | $21,632 |
14 | Grande Center For Post Acute And Nursing Care | 3 | $31,970 |
15 | Riverca Proyect Clean | 3 | $23,300 |
16 | CBV Partners | 3 | $21,632 |
17 | Jimenez Cleaning | 2 | $48,100 |
18 | Wyoming Resorts | 2 | $27,778 |
19 | New Leaf Hospitality | 2 | $27,040 |
20 | Cumberland Care and Rehab | 2 | $22,630 |
21 | Dakota Territory Lodging, Inc. Americinn Medora | 2 | $20,821 |
22 | Ruth Tao | 1 | $44,678 |
23 | Elihu Brown | 1 | $39,312 |
24 | Hamza Aslam | 1 | $36,566 |
24 | Victoria Anne Hoffman | 1 | $36,566 |
26 | Rita Avedissian | 1 | $35,464 |
27 | Sami Hayek | 1 | $32,500 |
28 | Giri Ogunquit 74 | 1 | $32,282 |
29 | Carpenter House | 1 | $32,240 |
30 | Gustavo Sampaio De Souza | 1 | $31,200 |
30 | Cynthia Hanson | 1 | $31,200 |
30 | Naskos Residence | 1 | $31,200 |
30 | James N Romanelli | 1 | $31,200 |
30 | Abdul Hai Haider | 1 | $31,200 |
35 | Adelwisa Ranon | 1 | $30,056 |
36 | Boris Gustavo Duran Mendible | 1 | $29,515 |
37 | Teddy Emil Vivit Vite | 1 | $28,891 |
37 | Hesameddin Sabaghian | 1 | $28,891 |
37 | Bros Club Productions | 1 | $28,891 |
40 | Barry Curtis | 1 | $28,870 |
40 | Wieslaw Maksim | 1 | $28,870 |
42 | 167 Park Row | 1 | $27,144 |
43 | Djt Family Office | 1 | $24,835 |
44 | Mr. Paul Quatinetz | 1 | $24,502 |
45 | Virginia H. Brown | 1 | $23,691 |
46 | Maias Partners | 1 | $23,500 |
47 | Caravan Hotel Properties | 1 | $22,880 |
48 | Rubem Souza | 1 | $22,700 |
49 | Senior Management | 1 | $22,630 |
50 | Sabrina J. Ciceri | 1 | $22,443 |
Rank: 1 - 50 | 51 - 100 | 101 - 150 | 151-200 | search all
Category: All | Case Status | Country | Visa | Job Title | Occupation | Industry | Work City | Work State
Note: To obtain employment based green card in United States, most foreign workers will have to go through 3 steps: 1). Permanent Labor Certification(ETA Form 9089), 2). Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker(Form I-140), 3). Adjust of Status to a permanent resident of the United States(Form I485).
The above report lists the top 1 - 50 employment based Green Card sponsors (housekeeper) in fiscal year . For Example, the first three records on this report report that LRC2 Management filed 27 permanent labor certifications under PERM for employment based Green Card in fiscal year 2024. The average salary of those job offerss was $17,759All Staffing Solutions filed 24 permanent labor certifications under PERM for employment based Green Card in fiscal year 2024. The average salary of those job offerss was $19,769Fh Miami Operations filed 23 permanent labor certifications under PERM for employment based Green Card in fiscal year 2024. The average salary of those job offerss was $22,880. The number and average salary are not for all permanent labor certifications filed under PERM by at the appropriate National Processing Center by Fh Miami Operations in fiscal year 2024. They are for housekeeper jobs only.
The green card sponsors(employers) are sorted by the number of Permanent Labor Certifications filed under PERM to National Processing Center. The number includes certified, withdrawn, denied and certified but withdrawn Permanent Labor Certifications.
As above numbers include the Labor Certifications that have been denied or withdrawn, please click the green card sponsors' names to review the details of every certifications. If two green card sponsors have filed same number of permanent labor certifications in the same year and same category, they are further sorted by the average salary in descending order.
The salary is the average salary of all proffered salary on labor certifications filed under PERM system using ETA Form 9089. Some green card sponsors did not enter a specific salary on ETA Form 9089, but a salary range. Our algorithm uses the middle point of the range to calculate the average salary. Please review the certification detail to see the salary range.
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